Inter Collegas 2024-11-18T20:13:54+02:00 Alexander Shevchenko / Олександр Шевченко Open Journal Systems <p>Founder, editorial board and publisher: <strong>Kharkiv National Medical University</strong></p> <p>Online ISSN: 2409-9988.</p> <p>DOI: 10.35339/ic</p> <p>The journal is assigned to the scientific professional publications of Ukraine in the field of medical sciences by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (September 24, 2020) <strong>"Б" category</strong> for specialties <strong>221</strong> - dentistry, <strong>222</strong> - medicine, <strong>223</strong> - nursing, <strong>225</strong> - medical psychology, <strong>227</strong> - therapy and rehabilitation, <strong>228</strong> - pediatrics.</p> <p><strong>Editorial and publisher address:</strong>&nbsp;<br>61022, Kharkov, Nauky Ave., 4<br>Tel.: +38 063 069 9000 <span class="VIiyi" lang="en"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="uk" data-phrase-index="0" data-number-of-phrases="1">(Monday to Friday 9: 00-17: 00 Ukrainian time, except holidays)</span></span>&nbsp;<br>E-mail:</p> Motivational and regulatory instruments of valeological education 2024-11-18T20:13:54+02:00 A.S. Shevchenko V.V. Shevchenko O.L. Shumskyi G.W. Brown S.M. Kucherenko N.S. Kucherenko E.V. Gavrylov <p><strong>In press</strong></p> <p><strong>Background. </strong>The competence-based approach is a condition for the implementation of higher education in Ukraine and the world. The list of competences that must be formed in university graduates includes health-saving. But there are obstacles to fulfilling the requirements of the standards in the form of imperfect practical pedagogical realization of competence formation.</p> <p><strong>Aim.</strong> To identify motivational and regulatory tools of non-medical education, the use of which is approved in the scientific-pedagogical environment, regulated by the legislation of Ukraine and effective in achieving the result of forming valeological competence, provided for by the standards of higher non-medical education of Ukraine.</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods.</strong> The research was conducted using the system analysis method and the bibliosemantic method. The research is based on twenty years’ experience in forming valeological competence in students of non-medical universities in the city of Kharkiv by means of teaching special valeological disciplines. The study does not describe these empirical studies, but only uses their findings.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion.</strong> As a result of the theoretical research, it has been established that the competence principle of education is not actually implemented in higher education, and in the course of forming valeological competence in particular. This happens because of the lack of mechanisms for evaluating personal components of competences. It is proposed to consider the student’s main motivation in forming valeological competence as his/her desire to be healthy. Individual and organizational regulatory tools of valeological education are defined. They are as follows: typical curricula and textbooks for valeological education of students at non-medical universities, development of criteria for recalculating the evaluation of forming motivation and other personal components of competences for assessment in ECTS points.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> valeological competence, health-saving competence, "Health Pedagogy", "Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge and Health-Saving", higher education standards, competences formation assessment.</em></p> <p>Archived: <a href=""></a></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Shevchenko A.S., Shevchenko V.V., Shumskyi O.L., Brown G.W., Kucherenko S.M., Kucherenko N.S., Gavrylov E.V.