In press
Background. Palliative and Hospice Care (PHC) aims to prevent premature death of patients from complications of serious illnesses and their comorbid impact on vital functions. As well as adequate pain relief, treatment should be aimed at alleviating suffering and improving the quality of life of such patients. The causes of death of palliative patients, which are closely related to the PHC organization, in particular to the package budget financing of inpatient and mobile palliative care for adults and children, the leading needs of palliative patients, remain insufficiently studied.
Aim. Analysis of the main causes of death of palliative patients depending on the diagnosis and determination of their impact on the organization of palliative and hospice care.
Materials and Methods. The method of system analysis, comparative method and bibliosemantic method were used for the research.
Results and Conclusions. Causes of death were studied for diseases listed as palliative in severe cases and in the presence of complications. The analysis allows us to deepen our understanding of the practical aspects of organizing palliative and hospice care in meeting the needs of palliative patients, adults and children. The summary of the causes of death allows us to group these causes into organ and system failure; vascular crises; asphyxia; thromboembolic conditions; infectious complications up to sepsis; chronic intoxication; tumor growth in other organs with disruption of their vital functions, metastasis; malignancy of benign tumors; complications of treatment; brain and spinal cord lesions due to epileptic seizures, injuries, inflammatory processes; endocrine comas; gangrene and bedsores; severe immunodeficiency; underdevelopment or absence of organs in congenital malformations; prematurity; suicides in depressive states.
Keywords: palliative and hospice care, primary palliative diagnosis, comorbidity.
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