Academician L.T. Malaya – an outstanding scientist of modern times
InterCollegas. - Vol. 1, N1, 2014

How to Cite

Knyazkova, I. (2014). Academician L.T. Malaya – an outstanding scientist of modern times. Inter Collegas, 1(1), 5-12.


Present review is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scientist, gifted manager, founder of therapeutic and cardiology schools as well as understanding and sincere person, who is well-known not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond the borders – Lyubov Trofimovna Malaya. The whole professional life of L. T. Malaya is connected with Kharkiv National Medical University. A heightened sense of the new was always inherent in Lyubov Trofimovna. On the initiative and under the guidance of L. T. Malaya, a whole range of new high-tech methods of diagnosis and treatment of cardiac disease was developed and implemented in practice, as well as new highly efficient and economical hospital-substituting technologies. Lyubov Trofimovna’s natural talent combined with passionate love for her profession. She was all focused and striving to help the patient, it was the meaning of her life. The life of Lyubov Trofimovna is a vivid example of selfless service to science, extraordinary versatility of interests and depth of knowledge. .” Undoubtedly, L. T. Malaya rightfully belongs to the galaxy of famous Ukrainian therapeutists. I would like to believe that the doctors who have been lucky enough to work and learn from L. T. Malaya will pass to new generations a particle of their professionalism and humanity, and this thread will never stop running.


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