
stable coronary heart disease, obesity, mineral metabolism, osteoporosis.

How to Cite

Pasieshvili, L., Ivanova, K., Andrusha, A., Viun, T. I., & Marchenko, A. (2021). CALCIUM-PHOSPHORUS RELATIONSHIPS IN THE COMBINED COURSE OF STABLE ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE IN PATIENTS WITH OBESITY. Inter Collegas, 8(2), 106-110.


The purpose of the study was to optimize the diagnosis and prediction of the development of structural and functional disorders of bone tissue in patients with SCHD and obesity. Thus, lipid profile analysis showed a clinically significant increase in total cholesterol and triglycerides in patients with SCHD. Serum bone mineral status did not exceed normal values, but serum total calcium levels were significantly higher in patients with SCHD and obesity compared to other groups. The indicators of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the daily urine of patients with SCHD were significantly higher. When conducting densitometric studies in patients with SCHD with normal weight, osteopenic conditions were diagnosed more often than in patients with overweight and obesity. That is, the comorbid course of SCHD and obesity is a high risk of osteodeficiency, which is confirmed by early changes in calcium-phosphorus metabolism.


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