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Як цитувати

Chaychenko, T., Kharkova, M., & Rybka, O. (2020). VARIANTS OF HYPERLIPIDEMIA IN CHILDREN WITH INSULIN RESISTANCE. Inter Collegas, 7(1), 23-25.


Obesity in adults and children is characterized by epidemiological prevalence with a tendency to increase. Purpose of the study- to analyze the lipid profile in overweight children, depending on the presence of insulin resistance. 247 overweight and obese children aged 2 to 18 were examined, including 160 boys and 87 girls. Obesity was diagnosed if the BMI exceeded 97 percentile, according to gender and age. Assessment of the lipid profile included measurements of total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, and high-density lipoprotein. To evaluate the parameters of the lipid profile, we used the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) according to the latest edition (2006). We analyzed lipid values depending on the presence or absence of insulin resistance. BMI was also evaluated according to Z-BMI. Insulin resistance was detected in 69.9% of children. Hyperlipidemia was detected in 24.9% of children and dyslipidemia in 83% of the children examined. A change was found in all indicators of the lipid profile, depending on the presence of insulin resistance. A significant increase in Z-BMI was revealed depending on the presence of insulin resistance. Conclusions: Most overweight children have insulin resistance and dyslipidemia; the type of dyslipidemia in children with obesity directly depends on the presence of insulin resistance.
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