In press
Background. Due to the prevalence of dystrophic degenerative diseases, the annual increase in the number of visits from young and middle-aged patients leading an active lifestyle, and the growing frequency of traumatic injuries of various origins, the problem of joint pain is particularly relevant.
Aim. To investigate the main factors influencing the effective and safe use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) in the treatment of joint pain syndrome.
Materials & Methods. Using the developed questionnaire, patients with articular pain syndrome were interviewed about the safety and rational use of NSAIDs.
Results & Conclusions. It was found that most often, people of working age with moderate intensity of pain syndrome sought medical care for joint pain. In one third of respondents, pain was accompanied by impaired motor activity in the joint. The largest proportion of respondents used oral systemic NSAIDs to reduce pain (46.7%), mainly non-selective сyclooxygenase inhibitors. A small proportion of patients (13.3%) who used NSAIDs topically preferred diclofenac, ibuprofen, and ketoprofen in the form of ointments and gels. 16.7% of respondents increased the dose of the drug on their own to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. 26.7% of patients simultaneously used several drugs from the NSAID group. However, the majority of the surveyed patients (63.3%) were not informed about the possibility of side effects associated with these drugs. A wide range of modern NSAIDs, a variety of dosage forms, high frequency and duration of use, and the potential risk of side effects require individual prescribing of drugs in this group. Prescribing timely and adequate treatment with a fast, effective and safe pain reliever remains an urgent issue in the daily practice of physicians and pharmacists.
Keywords: dosage form, side effects, gastropathy, selectivity.
Archived: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14756968
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