Formation of scientific potential in institutions of higher medical education


research work
selective component
intellectual potential

How to Cite

Mykytenko, A. (2023). Formation of scientific potential in institutions of higher medical education. Inter Collegas, 10(1), 63-66.


Background. The progressive development of humanity is impossible without the development of science and the introduction of innovative technologies that fundamentally change the forms of human life in all areas and in medicine in particular. Scientific discoveries are the driving force of progress, which determines the prospects of the socio-economic development of the country and its status at the world level. The formation of scientific potential is an internal task of every country, and in accordance with the development strategies of the medical sphere of our country, higher educational institutions should pay considerable attention to the training of highly qualified specialists who can potentially replenish the number of scientific personnel of Ukraine.

The aim of the study was to analyze the possibility and necessity of creating a selective component: research work for students of the II (Master’s) level studying in the specialty 222 "Medicine".

Materials & Methods. Scientific literature, educational programs and normative documents of higher medical education of Ukraine were studied. Bibliosemantic method and system analysis method were used.

Results. Ukraine is part of the European educational space and the scientific field in particular. In order to improve the training of students of the II (Master’s) level, it is necessary to create conditions for the individual development trajectory of the student, which will improve their adaptability to changes in the conditions of the labor market. Introduction of new optional components to improve the special and general competencies of a specialist in the medical field increases the competitiveness of the student and improves the quality of higher medical education. 

Conclusions. The author of the article, after analyzing the literary data and relying on his own experience, concludes that the introduction of a new selective component: research work will improve the level of knowledge of those seeking education regarding the use of modern research results in the work of a practical doctor, will introduce the career of a scientist and allow more effective preparation and selection of persons for the third educational and scientific level of training of Doctors of Philosophy.

Keywords: research work, selective component, intellectual potential, medicine.


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